Por um mundo melhor
Quem não se lembra de We are the world, we are the childres?
Cá vai mais uma melodia! Pela paz no mundo.
One, two, three, four...
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun?
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun?
There'd be no more crime, 'cause everybody'd have a gun!
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun?
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun?
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun?
We wouldn't need the police no more, 'cause everybody'd have a gun!
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun?
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun? (had a gun)
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun? (had a gun)
Nobody'd ever get shot, 'cause everybody'd have a gun! (Makes sense!)
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun?
We could go out and shoot things
We could go out and shoot things
We could go out and shoot things
We could go out and shoot things
We could go out and shoot things
We could go out and shoot things
We'd all feel safe, 'cause everybody'd have a gun!
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun? (had a gun)
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun? (had a gun)
Everyone'd be equal, 'cause everybody'd have a gun!
Not me, I got me a rifle!
Well hang on, if you got yourself a rifle then I wanna get me a semi-automatic weapon!
You get a semi-automatic weapon and I'm gonna want an automatic weapon!
You get yourself an automatic weapon, I'm gonna get a super-automatic weapon!
Well if you get a super-automatic weapon, then I'm gonna get a
super-duper-automatic weapon with a CD-ROM drive!
If you get yourself one of those I'm gonna get a
super-duper-automatic weapon with a CD-ROM drive, and a big old hard
drive, and a big guitar amp so I can play BTOs...
(rants on while the rest of the Worms sing)
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had the weapon of their choice?
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had the weapon of their choice?
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun?
(Still ranting..)
I'll go so fast I'll be able to chase you from here to Saigon, and
then I'll shoot like little Nerf rockets at you and poke you in the
eye 'cause it'll have automatic like finger-poking in the eye
things and I'll get myself another guitar amp...
Estupidologia s. f. - Ciência que estuda a auto-repressão voluntaria da razão e dos sentimentos; interesse pragmatico-investigativo pelos non-sense da vida em colectividade; teoria matemática que defende existir uma relação de proporção directa entre a sensação de felicidade e a acção de mecanismos primários do homem; designação do maior, mais antigo e poderoso lobbie do mundo; empresa familiar de farturas; nome de um blog
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Arquivo do blogue
- O site porno dos móveis
- Armas
- Ser agricultor
- Socorro.
- PUB. Vw Golf IV Blue Neon & Tuning Stick Special...
- Suplemento estupidológico-económico - «F*d*r sai c...
- Composição
- O «penteado» do Abel
- O meu dia
- Sentida dedicatória
- Conversa no mIRC
- Pensamento estúpido do dia
- Vamos aprender a bater couro
- A Liberdade
- Filosofia Contemporânea IV - R. Cotilho e a Teoria...
- Discotecas em Lisboa
- Pensamento do dia
- Tácticas em Futebol
- Dia Internacional Da Mulher
- A «Constelação de estrelas»
- O meu horóscopo
- No Comments
- Riscos
- Emendar com legitimidade
- Como começar bem o dia...
- Sampaio deve seguir o exemplo de Avelino Ferreira ...
- Recordar é viver
- Al-Qantina
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